I can't believe I forgot to post this the other day. I painted it in honor of my friend Connie having some work accepted into last year's Tomato Art Fest. It was the first time I'd tried to paint a tomato - I didn't quite get there, but I think it has possibilities.
Okay, I'll admit it. The idea for this came from both a painting Zezrie posted and looking at the photos from David Nykl's new movie. I got to thinking. (I know, I know...dangerous territory there.) I've got a hat and a backpack that are some of my most favorite things in the world - why haven't I ever drawn or painted them?

So this is a rough sketch I did for composition. My hat, my backpack and the old, beat up chair I can be usually be found in when I'm being a bum - or an artist, for that matter. I'm going to be painting this one pretty soon.

Sorry for the quality on this one. I tried to get a good photo but it just didn't want to cooperate. This was a "It's late in the day, I'm hungry and out of tea" sketch. This mug is one of three or four of my favorites. It's orange and I think I paid twenty five cents for it at a yard sale last summer. The mouth looks a little off to me but hey, like I said: It was late, I was hungry and I was out of tea. That's enough to make anyone not sketch right.
I believe that is a beautiful jester tomato... are you submitting it to the Fest? Oh, please do!
Please contact Meg at the Gallery!
She can't wait to talk to you... I forwarded the blog to her and she simply loves your art!
Zan - thank you! I'd love to have tea with you sometime! :-)
Anonymous - well, I thought about it. I think I will submit an entry form, just to see what happens.
Lisa - wow! it's done! :-)
I got it! The flutterby is flying on my wall.
Aaaaah... I shall sit back and drink my tea and enjoy it's delicate, spacious air.
Thank, you, thank you, thank you!
And I love to write real, live, illustrated letters, so 'spect some fluttering your way soon(well, soonish-you know how life goes).
Zan -
Yay! You got it!! I'll be looking for those letters - and I'll be sending some too! :-D
Lisa - it's on its way. I'll be calling the gallery soon, since it appears my email didn't get through. :-)
Argh - two minutes of net access left! :-O :-P
Well, I just saw the painting in person, close up!
I've got to have it!!!
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